Western u.p. transit
Transit is a great way to get around the Western U.P. Below is information about fares, hours/days of operation, routes, and more.
View your transportation options by Location or by Type below, then choose a provider to see more information.
All hours of operation are listed by the provider’s local time.
Check out our Western U.P. System Map for a full view of providers.
Providers by location
+ Baraga - L'anse Area
+ Gogebic Area
- Dove Inc.
- Gogebic County Transit Authority (Little Blue Bus)
- Gogebic County Veterans Affairs Office
- Ontonagon County Commission on Aging
- Twin City Cab Co.
+ Houghton - Keweenaw Area
- B&B Wheelchair Transport
- Baraga-Houghton-Keweenaw Community Action Agency
- Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home
- Copper Country Limo and Taxi
- Hancock Public Transit
- Houghton Public Transit
- Houghton-Keweenaw County Veterans Affairs Office
- Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly
- Lyft
- Michigan Technological University
- Reliable Rides Taxi & Errands
- Superior Transportation
+ Iron River - Crystal Falls Area
+ Ontonagon Area
- Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home
- Ontonagon County Commission on Aging
- Ontonagon County Veterans Association
- Ontonagon County Transit (On-Tran)
+ Providers with Regional Service
- Arms of Angels Homecare
- B&B Wheelchair Transportation
- Disabled American Veterans
- Gogebic County Veterans Affairs Office
- Houghton-Keweenaw County Veterans Affairs Office
- Indian Trails
- KBIC Health System
- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
- Northwoods Airlifeline
- Ontonagon County Veterans Association
- Superior Transportation
Providers by type
+ Non-emergency Medical Transportation
A variety of types of providers transport passengers to local or distant medical facilities. Most, but not all, providers only transport “ambulatory” patients those without disabilities and who do not require special medical care en-route. Some do not offer regular trips for chronic conditions, and none offer transportation for emergencies.
- Arms of Angels Homecare
- B&B Wheelchair Transportation
- Baragaland Senior Citizens
- B&B Wheelchair Transportation
- Disabled American Veterans
- Gogebic County Veterans Affairs Office
- Houghton-Keweenaw County Veterans Affairs Office
- Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly
- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
- Northwoods Airlifeline
- Ontonagon County Commission on Aging
- Ontonagon County Veterans Association
+ Intercity Bus Service
A regional intercity provider of bus service, Indian Trails provides limited service between cities in the Western Upper Peninsula. Indian Trails runs two daily routes in the region.
- U.S. 41 Route: Hancock, Houghton, Baraga, L’Anse
- U.S. 2 Route: Ironwood, Wakefield, Watersmeet, Iron River, Crystal Falls
+ Taxi/Rideshare Services
Taxi companies offer demand-response services but often at a higher price and without as many discounts as public transit agencies. In return for added costs, response times are often quicker than for public transit. Service areas are also much larger. Most taxi/cab companies in the region are willing to make long distance trips to any location, meaning that in some areas they are the only transportation option.
- Copper Country Limo & Taxi
- Lyft
- North Star Taxi
- Reliables Rides Taxi & Errands
- Superior Transportation
- Twin City Cab Co.
+ Major Transit Providers
These public transit and nonprofit providers serve the broadest population and are probably most familiar. They offer different services including: Demand-Response, Flex Route, and Fixed Route.
- Baraga-Houghton-Keweenaw Community Action Agency
- Baragaland Senior Citizens
- Dickinson-Iron Community Services Agency
- Gogebic County Transit Authority (Little Blue Bus)
- Hancock Public Transit
- Houghton Public Transit
- Michigan Technological University
- Ontonagon County Transit (On-Tran)
+ Veterans Transportation Network
These providers exclusively transport war veterans to the Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain for non-emergency medical care.
- Disabled American Veterans
- Houghton-Keweenaw County Veterans Affairs Office
- Gogebic County Veterans Affairs Office
- Ontonagon County Veterans Association
+ Shelter Homes
All of the area domestic violence shelters will assist those needing shelter in reaching the facility, either through their own drivers or vouchers for transit providers.