Keweenaw bay indian community health system
The Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) Health System’s Donald A. LaPointe Health and Education Center provides non-emergency medical transportation for KBIC tribal members and descendants. This includes round-trip (up to 200 miles) transportation to medical, dental, mental health, and counseling appointments for individuals who have no other means of transportation. All requests must be made in advance and are on a first-come basis. Call in advance to schedule a ride.
Website: www.kbichealth.org/medical-transportation
Provider Type: Public Agency
Headquarters: Donald A. LaPointe Health and Education Center, Keweenaw Bay Dept. Of Health and Human Services, 103 Superior Avenue, Baraga, MI 49908
Phone: (906) 353-4524
Service Area: Round trip to and from the Donald A. LaPointe Health and Education Center cannot exceed 200 miles.
Cost of Service: Free for KBIC tribal members and descendants who are active patients of the Donald A. LaPointe Health and Education Center
Days/Hours of Operation: Weekdays from 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Service Types:
Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and drop-off service is provided in response to phone call requests.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation: Transportation services for patients to and from non-emergency medical appointments.