hancock public transit
The city of Hancock provides on-demand bus service for Hancock residents. The bus service will pickup and drop-off in Hancock and Houghton.
Website: www.cityofhancock.com/info-transit.php
Provider Type: Public Transit Agency
Headquarters: 399 Quincy Street, Hancock, MI 49930
Phone: (906) 482-3450
Service Area: Hancock and Houghton
Cost of Service:
One-way Fares
Adults $5.00
Students $3.00
Senior Citizens (55+) and Persons with Disabilities: $2.50
Children (12 and under): $2.50
Multi-ride Passes
Adult Pass: $40.00 for 11 rides
Student Pass: $30.00 for 12 rides
Senior Citizens (55+) and Persons with Disabilities: $40.00 for 16 rides + 3 free rides (total of 19 rides)
Veterans Ride Free Pilot Program
Veterans ride free with an acceptable form of ID pilot program until 09/30/2023.
Days/Hours of Operation: 7:00 am-5:00 pm Monday-Friday
Accessibility: Shuttles are equipped with wheelchair ramps.
Service Types:
Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and drop-off service is provided in response to phone call requests.