Ontonagon county transit (on-Tran)
The Ontonagon County Transit program, or “On-Tran”, has provided countywide transportation services in Ontonagon County since 1981. On-Tran offers both on-demand rides and fixed routes. Fares vary by service and rider. Call for routine stop locations or to schedule a demand-response ride.
Provider Type: Public Transit Agency
Headquarters: 200 Industry Park Road, Ontonagon, MI 49953
Phone: (906) 884-2006 or (906) 884-2004
E-Mail: ontran@jamadots.com
Service Area: Ontonagon County; Once a month round trip service to Houghton
Cost of Service:
0-5 miles: $1.50
5-20 miles: $2
20-35 miles: $2.50
35+ miles: $3.50
Houghton-Ontonagon Round Trip: $7
Seniors (62+), Persons with Disabilities, and Students (12 and under): Half-Price
Days/Hours of Operation: Varies by route. 6:00 am-6:00 pm dispatch and 6:30 am-5:30 pm bus service, Monday-Friday. Houghton-Ontonagon round trip operates on the second Wednesday of the month between 9:00 am-3:00 pm.
Accessibility: All vehicles are wheelchair accessible.
Service Types:
Fixed-Route: Regularly scheduled transit route with routine stop locations.
Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and drop-off service is provided in response to phone call requests.