baragaland senior citizens
Baragaland Senior Citizens provides demand-response and long-distance flex route services to senior citizens and persons with disabilities in Baraga County. Local demand-response services are provided in Baraga, L’Anse, and the surrounding communities of Aura, Covington, and Skanee 8 to 10 times a month. Variable long-distance deviated routes also offer door-to-door service and generally run from the Baraga/L’Anse area to Marquette twice a month, Houghton once or twice a month, and Iron Mountain and Watersmeet once a month each. Fares are charged for all of these services as listed below. The organization also offers a separate non-emergency medical transport service to Hancock, Houghton, Marquette and Iron Mountain. Staff use buses, vans, and personal vehicles to transport consumers.
Provider Type: Major Public/Non-Profit Agency
Headquarters: 6 N Main Street, L’Anse, MI 49946
Phone: (906) 524-6922
E-Mail: bscinc@up.net
Service Area: Primarily Baraga County, with long-distance flex routes
Cost of Service: Varies by route
Flex Routes (long-distance): $5 round trip
$2 within L’Anse
$3 within Baraga
$3 Aura to L’Anse/Baraga
$4 Skanee or Covington to L’Anse/Baraga
Days/Hours of Operation: 8 am-4 pm, Tuesday-Friday (varies by route)
Route Destinations: Times and days vary; call for specifics
Baraga County: 8-10 times per month
Marquette: 2 times per month
Houghton: 1-2 times per month
Iron Mountain: once per month
Watersmeet: once per month
Accessibility: One bus has a wheelchair ramp.
Service Types:
Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and drop-off service is provided in response to phone call requests.
Flex Route: Service operates generally with a regular route and schedule but will depart some distance from the route as needed to pick up and drop off passengers.
Non-Emergency Medical: Transportation services for patients with non-emergency medical appointments.