Houghton public transit
Houghton Public Transit operates flex route shuttle service in Houghton and demand-response service in both Houghton and Hancock. Houghton Public Transit also offers special services for community events such as Bridgefest.
The Downtowner Route operates Monday through Friday between 10 am and 12 pm. This route stops every 30 minutes and passes through the M-26 shopping areas, City Center, and senior housing complexes.
The City Commuter Shuttle operates Monday through Friday between 7 am and 5:30 pm with service between Michigan Technological University (MTU) campus, Downtown Houghton, the M-26 shopping areas (Econo Foods, Shopko, Walmart, etc.). The City Commuter Shuttle is free for MTU students, staff, and faculty.
Demand-response service is available within and between the Cities of Houghton and Hancock from 7 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.
Website: www.cityofhoughton.com/info-transit.php
Provider Type: Public Transit Agency
Headquarters: 616 Shelden Avenue, Houghton, MI 49931
Phone: (906) 482-6092
E-Mail: transitdepartment@cityofhoughton.com
Service Area: Hancock and Houghton
Cost of Service: Fares vary by service type (shuttle or on-demand pick-up), individual, and location.
Shuttle Routes Fares:
Adults: $2
Seniors (55+), Persons with Disabilities, Students, Children (12 and Under): $1
On-Demand Pick Up Service Fares:
Adults within/outside Houghton: $5-$6
Students within/outside Houghton: $3-$4
Seniors (55+), Persons with Disabilities, and Children (12 and Under) within/outside Houghton: $2.50-$3
Multiple-Ride Pass:
Punch cards: $20 including 2 free rides
Days/Hours of Operation:
Shuttles: Varies by route. See schedule at above right.
Daytime Demand-Response: 7 am – 5 pm, Monday-Friday
Shelters: Glass shelters at Taco Bell (near intersection of West Sharon Avenue and Razorback Drive) and the Michigan Tech Memorial Union Building; snow block shelters are built at various locations in winter
Accessibility: The majority of vehicles are wheelchair accessible.
Service Types:
Fixed-Route: Regularly scheduled transit route with routine stop locations.
Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and drop-off service is provided in response to phone call requests.
Flex Route: Service operates generally with a regular route and schedule but will depart some distance from the route as needed to pick up and drop off passengers.