gogebic county veterans affairs office
The Gogebic County Veterans Affairs Office offers non-emergency medical transportation for veterans through the Veterans Transportation Network. The transportation route brings veterans to and from medical appointments at the Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain between the hours of 5:00am and 2:00pm.
Website: www.michiganveterans.com/a/Gogebic-County; www.va.gov/healthbenefits/vtp/
Provider Type: Veterans Transportation Network; Volunteer Drivers
Headquarters: 200 N. Moore St, Bessemer, MI 49911
Phone: (906) 667-1110
E-Mail: veterans@GogebicCountyMI.gov
Service Area: US-2 corridor between Ironwood and Iron Mountain
Cost of Service: Free for veterans
Days/Hours of Operation: 5 am-2 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (leaving Ironwood at 5 am at the earliest and returning from Iron Mountain not later than 2 pm). Call in advance to schedule a ride.
Accessibility: Per national policy, the Veterans Transportation Network can only accommodate ambulatory riders. Passengers must be able to walk and get in and out of the vehicle independently. No wheelchairs are permitted. Patients with oxygen tanks cannot be transported for safety reasons.
Service Types:
Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and drop-off service is provided in response to phone call requests.
Flex Route: Service operates generally with a regular route and schedule but will depart some distance from the route as needed to pick up and drop off passengers.
Non-Emergency Medical Transport: Transportation services for patients to and from non-emergency medical appointments.