little brothers friends of the elderly
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly provides transportation for seniors (age 60 and older) to and from medical appointments and to community meals and other community events. Transportation is typically provided on weekdays, Monday through Friday, between 9 am and 5 pm. One-week notice is required to arrange a volunteer driver.
Website: houghton.littlebrothers.org/
Provider Type: Non-Profit Organization; Volunteer Drivers
Headquarters: 527 Hancock Street Hancock, MI 49930
Phone: (906) 482-6944
E-Mail: michigan@littlebrothers.org
Service Area: Throughout Houghton County and Keweenaw County. Limited transportation in Baraga County.
Cost of Service: Free for seniors ages 60 and older.
Days/Hours of Operation: 9 am-5 pm, Monday-Friday
Accessibility: Little Brothers transportation providers can accommodate wheelchairs and walkers.
Service Types:
Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and drop-off service is provided in response to phone call requests.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation: Transportation services for patients to and from non-emergency medical appointments.