Indian trails
Indian Trails is a Michigan-based, regional motorcoach company that provides multiple routes stopping in many Western U.P. cities and connecting the U.P. to major cities in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Bus tickets can be bought online.
Website: www.indiantrails.com
Provider Type: Business
Headquarters: 109 East Comstock Street, Owosso, MI 48867
Phone: (800) 292-3831
E-Mail: info@indiantrails.com
Service Area: Multiple U.P. routes with multiple stops, including Hancock-Milwaukee (Route 1490), Ironwood-St. Ignace (Route 1489), and Ironwood-Duluth (Route 1491).
Cost of Service: Fares vary by distance and route
Days/Hours of Operation: Varies by route
Service Types:
Fixed Route: Regularly scheduled transit route with routine stop locations.