b&b wheelchair transportation
B&B Wheelchair Transportation specializes in providing non-emergency transport to medical appointments for individuals in wheelchairs. All vehicles are equipped with wheelchair ramps and lifts, and vehicles can also accommodate individuals who cannot sit upright.
Provider Type: Business
Headquarters: 1215 Jasper St, Hancock, MI 49930
Phone: (906) 482-6147 or (906) 281-7202 (Cell)
E-Mail: bobruoho@yahoo.com
Service Area: Houghton County and Baraga County
Cost of Service:
$50 local (within Houghton/Hancock)
$60 (to Calumet from Houghton/Hancock)
$1.80 per mile additional rate for anything beyond 10 miles outside of Hancock or Houghton.
Days/Hours of Operation: 6 am-6 pm, 7 days a week
Accessibility: All vehicles are equipped to accommodate wheelchairs.
Service TypeS:
Demand-Response: Point-to-point pickup and drop-off service is provided in response to phone call requests.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation: Transportation services for patients with non-emergency medical appointments.